In an interview with Kauser News Agency, Dr. Patoni Teichmann, a German humanitarian aid worker who was in Afghanistan before the Taliban takeover of Kabul, spoke about #No To The Taliban (#NoToTaliban) – Uniting Against Oppression‘
Dr. Patoni Teichmann is an Afghan-German doctor, feminist and human rights activist who worked in Afghanistan for many years. She is particularly focused on improving the health and rights of women and girls in Afghanistan and now is the head of the EuropeanOrganizationforIntegratione.V in Berlin.
She said: “The Protest is organized with the support of the European Organisation for Integration e.V and the Afghan Cultural Center in Berlin e.V together with a group of activists”
Dr. Patoni mentioned that “As the Taliban’s oppressive rule marks two years, the dire situation in Afghanistan demands urgent action. Banning girls from schools denies them their right to knowledge and a brighter future. Education empowers the youth, and we must protect this fundamental right.”
“Boys being taught radical ideologies through jihadi books only seeds the ground for future terrorists and extremists. We cannot allow such indoctrination to endanger our world’s security and stability.”
“The gender apartheid imposed by the Taliban enslaves Afghan women, limiting their autonomy and denying their basic rights. If gender apartheid is accepted in one country, it will be accepted in other countries.”
The Taliban’s crackdown on freedom of speech and press silences truth and perpetuates a dangerous environment. We must safeguard the right to express opinions and share information freely.
“The Taliban’s rule is not confined to Afghanistan; it poses a grave threat to international peace and security. We must act collectively to prevent further escalation.”
She said: We are a call to Action
“We call upon the international community to unite in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan, especially the courageous women who resist oppression daily. Increasing our efforts to pressure the Taliban is crucial. We demand an end to Taliban abuses and demand them to respect the human rights of all Afghans, regardless of ethnicity or gender. The people of Afghanistan need an inclusive government that represents all Afghans. We cannot let the Taliban’s brutality persist in Afghanistan. We must unite and demand an end to their oppressive regime.”
Providing humanitarian assistance is imperative in helping the Afghan people rebuild their lives and communities. Together, we can offer hope for a better future.
Join us on August 15, 2023, at 2:00 PM, at Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin, to raise our voices in unison against the Taliban’s reign of terror. Together, we shall strive for a world where oppression is eradicated, and human rights are upheld for all. #NoToTaliban