In the heart of Sacramento, CA, a unique and inspiring tale unfolds as Maroof Mizai, an Afghan actor and action film producer, sets the stage for his entrepreneurial journey with Middle Eastern Fashion LLC. Not only is he making waves in the fashion industry, but he is also leveraging his success to give back to the community which played a pivotal role in his personal and professional growth.
Mirzai, known for his work on eight Afghan films as an actor and film action producer, arrived in the United States in 2016 as a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holder. Â He enrolled at Highlands Community Charter School to learn the English language; a skill crucial for navigating his new life in America. Balancing classes, work, and his commitment to supporting Afghan film workers left behind in Afghanistan, Mizai’s journey is nothing short of remarkable.
In 2023, Mirzai realized a lifelong dream by establishing Middle Eastern Fashion LLC in Sacramento. However, this venture is not just a clothing shop; it is a testament to Mizai’s multifaceted vision as he simultaneously operates a film production company under the name Middle Eastern Film Production. Expressing gratitude for his transformative experience at Highlands Community Charter School, Mizai stated, “The school opened my eyes to learning English and they are spending money on refugees and SIVs to educate them in the English language, enabling them to engage in the community and learn American culture.”
Recognizing the challenges faced by refugees and SIV holders in their pursuit of a better life in the United States, Mizai decided to make a meaningful impact. Middle Eastern Fashion LLC is now offering a generous 50% discount exclusively to Highlands Community Charter School students and refugees. Mizai shared his motivation behind this initiative, stating, “I understand the pain of trying to provide for your family and children when you are a refugee or an SIV holder in the United States. The struggle is real, and I want to ease that burden, even if it’s just through providing affordable clothing for them and their families.”
This philanthropic endeavor reflects Mizai’s commitment to creating opportunities for those who, like him, have faced adversity in pursuit of a new beginning. By offering affordable clothing through Middle Eastern Fashion LLC, he hopes to empower individuals to express themselves through fashion without compromising their financial stability. As Middle Eastern Fashion LLC continues to flourish, it serves as a beacon of hope and support for the community. Maroof Mizai’s journey from an Afghan film industry professional to an entrepreneur making a difference in Northern California exemplifies the transformative power of education, resilience, and community support.
Middle Eastern Fashion is located at 4132 Manzanita Ave, Carmichael, CA 95608 where a variety of clothing such as men’s, women’s, and children’s pants, jeans, hoodies, shirts, jackets, blouses, shoes, and more can be found.